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Social Media Monday! This Week: Tips for Ideal Facebook Posting Frequency.

As a real estate agent, you want your name to come to someone’s mind any time the topic of real estate comes up, the same way we easily remember jingles and slogans. And one way you continually get your name out there should be through posting on social media.

For successful marketing, it’s important to stay in constant touch with your audience. But how many social media posts per day should you publish to grow your brand? And what platforms should you be focused on? Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter.

In a recent Hubspot article discussing 2022 Facebook trends, it’s noted that Facebook is the largest social media platform based on the number of monthly active users. A whopping 69% of Americans have a Facebook account, with 73% of those users reporting daily usage. Of these users, the top age demographic represented is 25-34.

Posting Strategy:

Facebook is a low volume/high value network. Don’t post too frequently, and make sure what you do post is of high quality.

A Hootsuite report indicates that you should aim to post to Facebook 1 time/day, and no more than 2 times/day. They found a decrease in engagement as smaller brands posted more often.

Recommended Frequency:

● 1 post/day

● Best day(s)/time(s): 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM on Weekdays, especially Tuesdays and Thursdays

● Worst day(s)/time(s): Sundays

There is no end-all be-all magical set of numbers that will have our social media platforms loaded with likes, followers, and re-tweets. Growth requires us to predict, and then to measure the results and make adjustments.

Without research-backed data, predicting is about as effective as guessing. And guessing isn’t too far off of what most agents end up doing. But we know you want to stand out from other agents, and we’re here to provide you with some tips and resources that will help you do just that.

Source: KCM

For informational purposes only. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Info source: Keeping Current Matters

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